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6 Reasons Your Local Business Listings Need to Be Accurate

As a business, how likely is it that potential customers will come through your door?
The whole point of an online presence is to entice customers into your store, your leasing office or your showroom so you can convert them to paying customers rather than just browsers online.

Further, nothing is more frustrating as a customer than finding out that you have been given the wrong information about where a business is located. As a customer, how likely are you to give this company your business? Not very. In fact, according to Placeable, 73% of consumers stated that they lose trust in a brand when the online listing shows incorrect information.

1. Missing hours of operation information can be a dealbreaker

There are many things that people look for in listings, whether they are looking at that search engine on a PC or on a mobile device. The top piece of information that most people look for is the hours of operation, since their search is likely for a business that they frequent quite often.

In fact, in a study conducted by local data aggregator Localeze, hours of operation were noted as the most helpful feature in selecting a business during local search. 76% of respondent reporting that they expect this information when searching and 61% believe that it is a feature that helps them to select a business.

Even if people are new to a business, it doesn’t give people a good impression if the business hours are not listed and they don’t know that it’s only open from 11 a.m-6p.m. Tuesday-Saturday .Imagine that potential customer who is ready to spend their money in store, but shows up on Monday at 7 p.m. only to find it closed. That customer is likely going to do another search on a mobile phone to find a different store and spend their money there.

2.You can’t spell NAP data (and score a citation) without an A(ddress)

While most people would assume that the number one reason people do a search online is for the address or location of a business, the address is actually behind hours of operation as the second most desired information. But, of course, the whole point of being in business is to make money doing what you love or selling what you love. And that happens by attracting foot traffic and increasing customer base.

It bears repeating that if a business address is incorrect on listing sites such as Google or Bing, then customers will not be crossing the threshold. A simple thing such as the wrong number on a street address, or even the wrong town, can mean that a customer cannot find you. The US Postal Service relies on a complex system of checks to verify and standardize addresses, and many of the search engines will default to the USPS for correct mailing addresses.

What this means for the average new business owner is that unless a business is in an established location, getting the correct address on their listing means that both the address from City Hall and the information on USPS must be consistent. If USPS doesn’t recognize that address, then a business owner must contact them to verify their new address and get that information updated on USPS’s online database.

3. Local searchers are mobile creatures

According to Localeze, mobile-phone-based searches drive in-store purchases with more than 75% of searches ending in a purchase—if a business has their listing details correct. Now if half of the people searching for a business listing on a local search engine, such as Google Local/Maps, can’t find the store’s business listing details, then the business is going to lose 100% of their business.

For ease of use for potential customers, some of those details need to be as readily available as possible in a mobile-friendly manner. This can be accomplished with a responsive website that supports cellphone and tablet-specific versions.

4. Updated, accurate websites still serve as a first impression

At the same time, more than 60% of searches on PC platforms such as website portals, Internet Yellow Page directories and local sites have a similar chance of ending in a purchase. While mobile searches are becoming more of a standard in where a customer searches, a business owner should not discount the power of a fulsome, consistent and accurate listing that is reflective of the business website.

Any listing should be linked to the business’s website and feature the exact same information, but more of it. While a website should be enough to entice a customer to visit or buy, if those inconsistencies exist, then trust issues may arise in a business’s practices before a customer ever crosses their threshold.

5. Local searchers mix it up across multiple devices, situations and times

People who search for listings are doing it in many more ways than when the Internet first coalesced into existence about two decades ago. In that time, we went from working on desktops to laptops to PDAs to Blackberries to Apples to tablets—and in each iteration, the methods of search have changed.

However, that has slowed over the last five years or so as web developers realize that they need to be smarter. Rather than designing three different sites for three different platforms, they have created websites that are scalable to the search device. And that has been helped along by the proliferation of types of devices in use everyday.

According to Pew Research Center, In 2015, smartphone ownership in America was at 68%, with tablet and computer ownership at 45%. Statista says that almost half of American adults use their smartphones the most to search for local information online, the other half being split between computers (40%) and tablets (11%). According to Localeze, like the types of devices used, what we are searching for varies by the time of day and device. Entertainment is searched for during work hours on computers, restaurants during evening using phones and health/fitness evening using tablets.

The most important part of those mobile searches is accuracy. If someone cannot find your business in a local search or find inaccurate results whilst out and about, then your business has lost the chance for that browser to become a customer. So having those listings correct in all of the device formats is a must as we, and our technology, continue to evolve in the way we interact with local businesses.

6. Local search results are trusted sources of information

Last but certainly not least is the fact that local search results are considered the most trustworthy. In a study by Neustar, it was determined that these searches, such as “used games Raleigh”, are what people do the most since they put that trust in local business more than big box, big website stores.

Think about it, would you rather find a local store where you can get that latest purse in town right now? Or you can wait a week for delivery, which is four days past the event that you want it for! Local searches lend themselves to instant gratification and that interaction between browser and salesperson will convert that browser from someone who might get just the minimum to a loyal customer who feels like a million having spent a little more, but getting what they consider to be gold!

Those interactions are what lead people to local searches and the absolute necessity of getting your listings correct. Trust leads to loyalty, which leads to more business, which leads to happy customers and business owners.

And it all starts with that correct listing in that customer’s local search.

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What are Listings and Why Do They Matter?

Listings are an online summary of essential information for your business that serves as a powerful tool to help customers find you online and in real life. Here’s what you need to know:


No, we didn’t fall asleep on the keyboard. NAP+W is the acronym that explains all the information that should be included in business listings.

Phone number

These four pieces of information are the business listings starter-pack. They provide the basic information potential customers need to have in order to research, contact and locate your business.

Want to score some major bonus points? Include information like hours of operation in business listings—it’s what consumers are most interested in!

Will my listings work?

The effectiveness of a business listing depends on the information’s presence and accuracy. Listings are available through a variety of sources, including search engines, online directories and maps, or social sites. When it comes to listings presence, more is definitely better. Availability on as many sources as possible will create multiple avenues for consumers to find your business. But (and this is a big but), presence only pays off if the listings are accurate. Listings are accurate if the information is correct and consistent across all potential sources. Seems easy enough, right?

Why are listings important?

Listings with good presence and accuracy will undoubtedly pay off for your business. Here’s how:

No more hide and seek

Just as the brightly lit bat signal guides everyone’s favorite caped crusader (that’s right Superman, we said it!), accurate and readily available listings will help guide consumers right to your business’s doorsteps.

They even have similar shapes. Coincidence? We think not…

If a business’s listing is incorrect or missing, the majority of consumers will feel less confident about the brand, likely leading them to choose a competitor’s product or service. The availability of accurate listings ensures customers are actually able to find brick and mortar locations while they’re open for business. This means money in the business owner’s pocket and, just as importantly, it means the business can be reviewed.

“In my humble opinion…”

An ample review pipeline is an essential tool for developing a business’ online reputation and fostering brand loyalty. Reviews allow customers to communicate their experience with a business to potential buyers, but if consumers can’t find a business listed online, their opinion of it won’t be well-informed. Accurate listings create the opportunity for transparency between businesses and consumers in the form of reviews, and the availability of this information will help increase a business’s visibility.

All aboard the search engine

Consistent, accurate listings and the generation of reviews will directly benefit a business’s visibility by boosting its ranking in local search engine results. Search engine optimization is a complex tool, so why not take advantage of it by simply ensuring your business is listed accurately! Increased visibility means more customers, and what business owner doesn’t want that?

Now what?

This listings low-down provides a basic definition and describes the benefits of business listings. Create listings on sites worth lots of points to improve your listings score. We’ve ranked them by importance using a lot of key factors—how many sites reference them, traffic, demographics and more.

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Cameos App by Google: People Can Now Answer Questions With Video

Cameos by Google allows you to be the authority on you. Record a video answer to the most relevant and asked questions on Google search results and then post your content right to Google. Now, when people search for you or ask a pertinent question regarding you, they’ll get answers directly from you.

See video of this post about Google’s Cameos app below.

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Restaurant Website Design Tips In Frisco, TX

The Depot Frisco, TX

Website Designs and Marketing restaurants have changed dramatically over the years. What worked even five years ago, or better yet, even last year does not usually work anymore. It can be a continued struggle to find new loyal customers for your restaurant with social media, new technology and there is more competition than ever before.

Here is a quick list of ideas that we put together that every Frisco, TX restaurant, big or small restaurants, should be doing to attract more loyal and recurring customers to their restaurant.

Your delicious food is what brings people into your restaurant right? After all, they’re there to eat. So shouldn’t you have great looking photos of your restaurant’s food? Invest in a decent camera, even your phone takes HD photos, and start practicing your photography skills. If possible, hire a professional food photographer to take the pictures for you. Use these images all over your website, social media and in other advertisements to get people craving what you offer. Photos are shared around most often online and will attract a new customer to your restaurant.

Instagram-worthy tableware and table linens will help your photos and your customer’s photos look so much better.

Free Wifi is very important and in some cases a necessity for a lot of restaurant customers. Many people decide where they are going to eat based on whether or not you have free Wifi. Your customer will want to embark into the social world of online or even get caught up on their work while at your establishment, so it’s important to give them that incentive to come in.

Having an excellent smartphone in your kitchen at all times is worthy of your investment. Have your chefs and staff upload pictures in real-time to Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and other platforms easily and quickly. Customers want to see what’s happening right now, and they want to look at pictures. Pictures are a natural source of content to post online to find new customers and get them engaged with your restaurant.

We have seen a lot of restaurant websites, and the majority of them have abysmal delivery. Keep it simple stupid (KISS). You don’t need a fancy flash website (because it most likely doesn’t work on mobile) and you don’t need that annoying background music, it adds nothing. Most sites have way too many distractions from what people are there to look for. Your menu, your contact info, your location and your hours of operations should be easily visible and straight-forward. Anything else is just a filler that isn’t needed.

Everyone loves dinner entertainment now and then. Scheduling live music routinely at your restaurant will bring people in the door as it gives you events to start promoting and makes your restaurant look like the place to be with FOMO, fear of missing out.

Posting frequently on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Pinterest is one of the most powerful digital marketing tools for restaurant owners as it is where your customers are hanging out. Your restaurant needs to be on your customers’ mind when they are thinking about where to eat in Frisco, TX. Social media platforms allow engagement with your customers to keep you on their mind and bring them into your restaurant.

You need to start email marketing if you’re serious about getting customers in the door. You can quickly begin collecting emails on your website with an opt-in form. Offer exclusive specials or something like a $5 or $10 off coupon in exchange for their email address. Use these emails for a newsletter promoting your new menu items, upcoming events, and specials. Do not SPAM your customers as you will begin to annoy them in a wrong way. An email to your opted-in customers from your email list once a week or just once a month will benefit your restaurant and your loyal customers.

With regards to email marketing, capture your loyal customers birthdays when they opt-in to your restaurant newsletters and let them know that they will be receiving an extraordinary birthday gift on their birthday. When it is time, email your loyal customers on their birthday with a special coupon for a free appetizer, dessert or half off their meal. Most customers celebrate their yearly birthday with a large group at dinner. Giving them a great incentive to choose your restaurant on their special bday can both increase your overall sales and also introduce new people to your restaurant.

Chances are you serve the perfect wine, or at least you should be, right? Hosting a wine tasting event also brings many people together inside your restaurant for brand new experiences. They will be able to taste the different wines that you serve, learn how to drink wine properly and develop a new appreciation for wine in general. By hosting this in your local restaurant, you’ll also be giving people who otherwise wouldn’t be there a blink of what you have to offer. Put on a good event, and they’re sure to come back!

Let’s face it; people don’t eat out every night. But when they’re cooking your recipes that you taught them at home, they will be reminded of how great your food indeed is. Keeping your restaurant in your customer’s mind is key to creating a loyal customer that comes back time and time again.

It’s not always about finding new recurring customers that haven’t been to your restaurant. It’s much easier to make more with what you have. Then nothing to give at all. Getting to know your loyal customers on a personal level can significantly benefit your overall business. Getting to know the customers that buy from you, you will be showing them that you genuinely do care about them and their experience at your restaurant. Keeping a customer loyal can be much more profitable than trying to find new customers.

Many people want to go out somewhere to watch the big game. Why not be the place to be to watch it, right? Use significant sporting events like watching the Cowboys, Rangers or Mavericks as another event to host at your restaurant. It does not take much to promote, and you’ll bring in large groups of people looking for a place to eat, drink and stay for several hours. As we know, drinks are where you make your money.

Holidays are an essential time for local restaurants that you must take advantage of every year. Almost everyone is looking for a great place to have a holiday dinner with family or friends, host an office party or simply just a get-together. Always make sure people know that you accept reservations for holiday bookings by posting it on your social media sites, website, and in your email newsletter.

This relates to the idea of hosting a cooking class or cooking event showcase at your restaurant. People don’t always eat out all the time, so when they are cooking at home, you always want them to be dreaming about your restaurant and food that you so deliciously serve. By sharing some of your exclusive recipes, perhaps in a cookbook, you’ll make people remember that particular perfect dish they had at your restaurant; which is why they bought your ebook in the first place.

While this may seem like an old, worn out trick; it works. I can’t count the number of times myself, or someone we know has gone to a specific restaurant solely because they had a gift card. The particular truth of the matter is, they bring people in. Once a customer is in your restaurant it is your prime job to turn them into a loyal customer of your food and service. If you do so, you’ll more than benefit from giving away a few bucks in free food.

It can be an excellent and fun experience for many of your loyal customers to meet the chef behind your great food. Foodies will love the opportunity, and some may even blog about the experience, so put on a unique monthly event to meet the chef of your restaurant. Don’t forget to promote it!

Sooner than later the majority of the content on the internet will be video. There is just a no better option for you to get people excited about dining at your restaurant than with an enticing personal touch of the video. It doesn’t need to be expensive to use your phone for starters, but make sure you have someone who knows exactly what they are doing to film and edit your story.

Everyone now uses the internet or Google to search for where to eat out or order online from easy, and there are a lot of options to choose from. You need to optimize your restaurant for local search otherwise your restaurant’s website will be buried in the never-ending list of competitors.

Who has time to eat out anymore? Unfortunately, not that many people. If your restaurant offers takeout or delivery, then you should have an online ordering option on your website. People do not like to make phone calls these days, everyone emails and texts. Not to mention answering the phone at your restaurant wastes your staffs valuable time. Make everyone happier by letting your customers order food directly from your website. Make the process even more accessible by accepting online payments. Our website plans include a great online ordering solution.

Google+ reviews are very crucial for your local restaurant too not only look good to potential loyal customers but to be found at all on Google or Yelp. People trust reviews nowadays, and when choosing a restaurant you’ve never been before for a special occasion is taking a huge chance. The more positive reviews you have, the more likely people will trust that they’re making a right decision by dining at your establishment, assuming you have mostly good reviews that are.



How A. Smith Media Can Help You With Your Restaurant Website and Marketing

We have a lineup of services for restaurant owners or businesses such as website design, SEOPPC, Social Media and fully managed Digital Marketing. Our services give your company a competitive advantage. Feel free to contact us today by calling +1 (469) 294-2834 or Request a Quote below.

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Adwords vs. Google Ads | What is Google Ads?

Google ’s complicated lineup of advertising products is getting a new look, including rebranded names.

The senior vice president who leads Google’s ad efforts, Sridhar Ramaswamy, explained the rebrand at a press event a couple of weeks ago, where he said the online advertising giant has been getting “consistent feedback” over the recent few years that the large list of ad products and brands, assembled mostly through acquisitions, could make it very confusing for advertisers, small business owners, and large corporations.

“This is a primarily a name change, but it is indicative of where we have been directing the product” for the last few years, Ramaswamy said. He also said the rebrand points to “where we want the product to go.”

In the future, Google’s ad products will be restructured into three major brands. First, we know that AdWords will become Google Ads, which Ramaswamy said will serve as “the front door for advertisers to buy on all Google surfaces,” whether that’s search, display ads, YouTube videos, app ads in Google Play, location listings in Google Maps or elsewhere.

In any situation, it’s not just a name change for Google. The advertising giant and search engine is also launching something it calls Smart Campaigns, which will become a default mode for advertisers. Essentially, it will be the default mode for small business advertisers. It will allow those advertisers to identify the actions whether it’s phone calls, store visits from beacons or purchases that they’re organizing through priorities, then Google Ads will use AI machine learning to optimize the images, text, and targeting to drive more of those actions.

The second brand is the Google Marketing Platform, which combines DoubleClick Digital Marketing and Google Analytics 360, the company’s analytics tools for marketers. Which is highly recommended for any website or online company to create measurables. Under this umbrella, Google is also announcing a new product called Display & Video 360, which combines features from DoubleClick Bid Manager, Campaign Manager, Studio and Audience Center.

Managing Director for Platforms Dan Taylor said the Google Marketing Platform is responding to a growing need for collaboration — for example, he noted Adidas used the platform to bring its brand and performance marketing teams together with the measurement team.

Google Marketing Platform

The Marketing Platform includes a new Integrations Center where marketers can view all the ways they can find different ways they can connect their Google tools. (And while the focus here is on integration within Google’s platform, Taylor said the company remains committed to interoperability with outside ad exchanges and measurement providers.)

The third brand is Google Ad Manager, a platform that combines Google’s monetization tools for publishers, namely DoubleClick Ad Exchange and DoubleClick for Publishers. In this case, Jonathan Bellack, director of product management for publisher platforms, said there’s already been a “three-year journey” of merging the two products as the programmatic ad-buying becomes used across more types of advertising.

“These categories have just been breaking down for a while — all of our publishers already log into one user interface,” Bellack said. So the only thing that’s changing is essentially “the product logo.”

One critical result of all this consolidation, and one that Ramaswamy described clearly as “bittersweet,” is that the DoubleClick for publishers brand is going away. While they weren’t the focus of today’s announcement, the AdSense and Admob brands will continue the same.

The rebrand started this month, July 2018. Ramaswamy and Taylor both emphasized that no product migration or training will be required.

“The look and feel are going to change a little bit, but the core functionality is not changing,” Taylor said.



How A. Smith Media Can Help You With Transitioning To Google Ads From Adwords

We too have a lineup of services such as website design, SEO, PPC and fully managed Digital Marketing. Our PPC or Pay per Click handles Google Ads and Google search and display advertising. Not to be confused, Google Ads are the new Adwords. Not alot has changed, but there are new features that we stay on top of that gives your company a competitive advantage. Feel free to contact us today by calling +1 (469) 294-2834 or Request a Quote.

Although we are based in Frisco, TX, we also help small businesses and clients worldwide.


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PPC Explained

PPC Explained

Thе growth оf thе intеrnеt аnd itѕ реnеtrаtiоn intо thе еvеrуdау lives оf реорlе аrоund the wоrld hаѕ made it a grоwing mаrkеting сhаnnеl. And ѕinсе ѕеаrсh еnginеѕ аrе uѕеd bу mоѕt tо find information оn thе intеrnеt, ѕеаrсh еnginе marketing or SEM hаѕ еmеrgеd аѕ аmоng thе most tаrgеtеd, mеаѕurаblе аnd еffесtivе channels оf marketing уоur buѕinеѕѕ оnlinе. Frоm e-commerce tо ѕосiаl networking, and blogging tо publishing, it hаѕ еmеrgеd аѕ the most preferred mеаnѕ fоr wеbѕitеѕ tо inсrеаѕе viѕibilitу in the оnlinе wоrld.

Thеrе are various wауѕ tо аdvеrtiѕе уоur business оnlinе. For mаrkеting in search engines, SEO аnd PPC (рау реr сliсk) advertising аrе twо оf thе mоѕt powerful channels. Thiѕ аrtiсlе рrоvidеѕ аn overview оf рау реr сliсk аdvеrtiѕing, itѕ uѕеѕ, limitations аnd more.

Uses of SEM аnd Pау реr Click Advеrtiѕing

  • PPC iѕ tаrgеtеd: Lets you decide оn thе geography, timе аnd uѕеr ѕеgmеnt tо аdvеrtiѕе to
  • PPC iѕ measurable: Yоu саn ѕее whiсh аdѕ wоrkеd, whiсh didn’t, аnd refine your campaign based оn thiѕ information
  • Gеt еуеbаllѕ: PPC hеlрѕ уоu increase thе visibility оf thе website in ѕеаrсh engines, аnd bу extension hеlрѕ уоu рорulаrizе it in thе induѕtrу
  • Quiсk results: With PPC, thеrе iѕ hardly a timе lаg between ѕtаrting your саmраign аnd getting visitors, generating lеаdѕ, ѕаlеѕ аnd buѕinеѕѕ grоwth


The grоwth оf competition has mаdе it еѕѕеntiаl fоr buѕinеѕѕеѕ tо аdvеrtiѕе аnd mаrkеt thеir buѕinеѕѕеѕ online. When уоu hаvе a gооd PPC campaign, thеrе аrе mаnу advantages it lеndѕ tо your buѕinеѕѕ. These inсludе:

  • Sinсе PPC ads арреаr аt thе tор оf ѕеаrсh results, сhаnсеѕ оf ѕоmеоnе сliсking оn thеm and viѕiting уоur wеbѕitе аrе high.
  • If a company is willing to ѕреnd mоnеу on a PPC саmраign, thе реrсерtiоn of rеliаbilitу inсrеаѕе
  • It also hеlрѕ уоu еѕtаbliѕh credibility and ѕеriоuѕnеѕѕ if you mаnаgе уоur саmраign intеlligеntlу
  • It iѕ аmоng the mоѕt роtеnt сhаnnеlѕ оf building awareness аbоut your buѕinеѕѕ
  • Evеn a short PPC campaign саn generate nоtiсеаblе rеѕultѕ ԛuiсklу
  • PPC аllоwѕ уоu tо dесidе whеrе уоu wаnt tо advertise (down tо a city), whаt timе оf thе day, tо whiсh tаrgеt grоuрѕ, еtс. Thiѕ givеѕ уоu a high degree оf соntrоl оvеr whо ѕееѕ уоur advertising аnd minimizеѕ аdvеrtiѕing wаѕtаgе.


While it iѕ an еxtrеmеlу powerful оnlinе mаrkеting channel, PPC has certain limitаtiоnѕ аnd drаwbасkѕ. Thеѕе inсludе:

  • Fоr the firѕt timе аdvеrtiѕеr, starting a PPC campaign саn bе соnfuѕing аnd you mау еnd up spending оn inеffесtivе аdvеrtiѕing initiаllу
  • If уоur campaign does not immediately result in аn increase in ѕаlеѕ, thеn PPC can рrоvе tо bе аn expensive mаrkеting сhаnnеl, еѕресiаllу fоr ѕоmеоnе with small аdvеrtiѕing budgets.
  • Dереnding оn your ѕtrаtеgу and itѕ еffесtivеnеѕѕ, PPC саn result in wаѕtеd mоnеу if it dоеѕn’t gеt thе dеѕirеd rеѕultѕ
  • Whеrе to рlасе уоur аdѕ can bе a daunting dесiѕiоn аt times.
  • Unlеѕѕ уоu оutѕоurсе, managing аnd optimizing the PPC саmраign саn be time соnѕuming

In ѕрitе оf itѕ diѕаdvаntаgеѕ, PPC саnnоt be diѕсоuntеd. It continues to be a vеrу imроrtаnt element оf mаrkеting and you should соnѕidеr ѕоmе PPC advertising whilе developing your marketing strategy. Thе more уоu rеаd аbоut оnlinе mаrkеting, рrасtiсе аnd refine уоur саmраign, it will help уоu improve уоur quality ѕсоrе with search еnginеѕ, bring down аdvеrtiѕing costs аnd imрrоvе thе ѕuссеѕѕ rate оf уоur саmраignѕ.

Yеt аnоthеr powerful search еnginе mаrkеting сhаnnеl iѕ SEO. With SEO, уоu do not рау a search еnginе for еvеrу viѕitоr to your website. This саn оftеn mаkе it a vеrу cost effective mаrkеting сhаnnеl аѕ соmраrеd to PPC. Yоu саn еvеn consider partnering with a сhеар SEO services соmраnу to gеt your оnlinе marketing started аnd build оn your SEO ѕuссеѕѕеѕ by complimenting the efforts thrоugh tаrgеtеd PPC саmраignѕ.

There iѕ no formula for оnlinе mаrkеting ѕuссеѕѕ. Thеrе is no right or wrong mаrkеting strategy. Whаt wоrkѕ fоr one business mау nоt for аnоthеr? Thiѕ iѕ where wоrking with specialists can bе helpful. You саn learn frоm thе еxреriеnсе of an аgеnсу and minimizе еrrоrѕ. Especially for firѕt timе advertisers, it iѕ wiѕе to соnѕidеr working with an excellent оnlinе mаrkеting раrtnеr tо kiсk ѕtаrt уоur оnlinе mаrkеting, SEO аnd PPC саmраignѕ.



Hоw A. Smith Media Can Help

Adam Smith Media iѕ a well-known web design аnd SEO еxреrt Dallas bаѕеd agency, wе саn help уоu grow your buѕinеѕѕ оnlinе оrgаniсаllу. If уоu want tо get the mоѕt оut оf today’s оnlinе mаrkеting соmреtitiоn just gеt in touch.


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